Joy In Trials

by Heather Jones

It’s no secret that, as Christians, we are going to be faced with a trial at some point in our lives. God never said we would be immune to trials and we are shown by many accounts throughout the New Testament of the affliction and trials that the Apostles and the church faced.

Today, we are going to look closer at how to overcome these various trials of life through James. In James 1:1, James starts by telling them this letter is to the twelve tribes scattered abroad. This is one way of saying “to the Jewish Christian Audience” that has been scattered abroad due to the persecution you are facing (Acts 8).

James writes,

“Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing”…James 1:2-4 (NASB95)

He then goes on to tell them to consider it joy when they face these trials. The “consider” here means “to lead your mind.” You have to lead your mind to find joy in these trials because it’s a choice we can make.

We can find joy because we know who our Savior is and the eternity we can have if we learn to overcome these trials!

By choosing joy and allowing your trust in God to grow, you are maturing in your walk with Christ, and that is how we are made whole or complete. This test of how much we trust God through our trials is a pass-or-fail scenario. We can pass the test of trials and stay focused, or we can let the weight of the trials of life overcome us, and it’s at that point that we let Satan win the battle.

How can we overcome the test of trials, though? He gives us the answer.

“But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him”…James 1:5

He says “any of you.” This is a promise for all, that you can come to God and ask how to grow through a trial. God is ready to give this wisdom generously and without reproach.

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