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Business Is Not The Goal

by Erin Wells

Does this scenario sound all too familiar?…

She collapses into her bed late at night, practically asleep by the time her head hits her pillow. Exhaustion has crept over every inch of her being…Except, she can’t sleep. Her mind was still racing with all the many activities of the day – from the time her alarm woke her in the early hours of the morning until that very minute – she had been chasing one event after the other. She smiles as she thinks about the look on her son’s face as he made his very first goal during the six-year-old soccer game and that she was able to get her daughter to the dentist on time…for once in her life! But as she lay there, she was also overcome with a sense of sadness. She can’t quite “put her finger” on the feeling of dread that has overcome her, the thought that something in her life may be amiss. She soon realizes that she better get to sleep so that she can start the mad dash through life all over again the following day. As she drifts off to sleep, she remembers that she needs to talk to God, and she starts to pray, but a few words into her prayer, and she falls asleep.

Unfortunately, there are way too many women who can identify with the woman in this scenario. We live an existence of racing from Point A to Point B…and then to Point C and D, and so on. We fool ourselves into thinking that we are accomplishing a remarkable feat and that our family will forever be indebted to our kindness in ensuring that their lives are rich with activities and memories. However, while memories and activities are wonderful, they leave us with a sense of dread, especially when we have failed to prioritize God in the hurried schedule of life.

The Bible addresses this in Matthew 6:33,

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

Often, we think we are prioritizing our families, but if we are not prioritizing the Lord – and the things of the Lord – we may be doing good, but we are not doing everything that Jesus said was good.

The perfect example is found in Luke 10:38, where we read about the sisters Mary and Martha. Here, we learn that being busy is not the “goal.” The goal is to do what is right.

Don’t mistake a full schedule for excelling in your family!

To excel in our families, we MUST prioritize the Lord and the things of the Lord. We can quickly identify that this is where the women in the scenario got it wrong, but the question is: Can we recognize it in our own lives and make a change?

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