Home ExcelHerIn Her Godly Role Making A Difference In The Kingdom!

Making A Difference In The Kingdom!

by Kathy Pollard

Let me tell you about some women I know personally who are making an impact. I will leave out their names because you probably know some, too. These women make me smile. Consider how they are using their God-given talents for His glory:

Caring for the homeless (Isa. 58:7-10)

I know a woman who takes different ladies with her to volunteer at a soup kitchen. I know a teenager who organizes events where all the other teens collect supplies for care bags (filled with hats, socks, water, snacks, and Bibles). Then, they go downtown to deliver the care bags by hand to the homeless.

Thinking souls (Mark 16:15)

I know women who see every interaction as an opportunity for evangelism. They bring others to worship and to other activities of the church. They are always pursuing Bible studies with the lost.

Sharing meals (Gal. 6:10)

I know women who are great cooks who love to share meals with anyone who needs it.

Organizing the teachers’ workroom (Col. 3:23)

Anyone who spends any time in one knows what a big deal this is. The teachers’ workroom is a great resource! I know women who keep it efficient by keeping it stocked and tidy.

Visiting (James 1:27)

I know women who make a couple of visits each week. They care about our shut-ins and those in the hospital. Surely they have the sweetest hearts!

Serving (1 Tim. 5:10)

I know several, but one woman in particular comes to mind. She is the definition of a true servant. She is the first to offer help, no matter the need (babysitting, painting, moving, etc.).

Including (Luke 14:13)

I know women who have a knack for pulling in the lonely and those on the outside. They nurture them like mother hens, taking in littles under their wings. I wonder if they know how valuable that service is?

Hospitality (1 Pet. 4:9)

I know women who have open hearts and open homes. They invite people to their table. They host get togethers for people outside their circle of friends. They are quick to share their comfort space with others.

Encouraging (1 Thess. 5:11)

I know many “Barnabettes.” They look for ways to lift up church leaders and new Christians. They send cards. One is very shy, so she does her encouraging via email. Another makes a point of saying something uplifting to or about you in nearly every conversation. These women have no time for gossip or judgment because they are too busy using their words to build up their sisters.

Pantry stocking (Rom. 12:13)

I know a woman who keeps the church pantry organized so the church is always prepared to help those in need. She coordinates with the ladies’ Bible class by asking them to donate various canned/ dry goods once a month, then she stocks the pantry. She also removes any items past their “sell by” date. She has no idea how many people her quiet work has blessed.

Giving (Prov. 3:27-28)

I know a woman with an eager and generous heart. She writes a check as soon as she learns of a need. She said, “If I have it, why not use it?”

Praying (James 5:16)

I know women of prayer. They pray for others and with others. There is a woman I always learn from when I hear her pray in ladies’ Bible class.

Mission work (Matt. 28:19)

I know women with missionary hearts. They will go anywhere there is a need. I know one in particular who makes very little money with her job as a bus driver, but she saves it all up for trips to Africa to share the gospel with the women there.

Meal Teams (Col. 3:23)

I know a woman who organized the entire congregation into monthly teams. Each month, those families share the joy of providing meals for the sick, new moms, etc. She’s the reason every family doesn’t have to worry about meals in their moment of need. She also keeps the church kitchen clean and stocked with supplies.

Eager workers (Acts 16:15)

These women know how to make everything fun, and their zeal is contagious. I know a new Christian who has already had the teens in her home, had people over for meals, and volunteered to work in cradle roll (and no one ever wants to do that!).

Second milers (Eph. 6:7)

I know women who go the second mile, work behind the scenes and never seek recognition. Surely, there is a special place in Heaven for them.

Teaching (Titus 2:30)

I know women who put hours into Bible study and preparation to share God’s Word in meaningful ways.

Keeping up with the wayward (James 5:20)

I know a woman who is concerned for the struggling and the wayward. Periodically, they reach out to them. When most of us have given up or forgotten, they will reach out with a phone call, a card, or a face-to-face heartfelt conversation.

Event planners (1 Thess. 3:12)

I know women who are good at coming up with creative ways to keep us all engaged in fellowship. They understand the importance of spending time together and make sure we have regular opportunities to do so.

Warm greeters (John 13:35)

We never have to worry about visitors being neglected because I know women who will be in the foyer with welcome smiles for them.

Truly, I could keep going. These women are blessing others. Let’s encourage them women with our thanks AND with our efforts to join them!

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