Home ExcelHerIn Her Godly Role Thriving in Your Godly Role, Part One…See the Big Picture

Thriving in Your Godly Role, Part One…See the Big Picture

by Kathy Pollard

Strong, confident, outgoing, multi-talented. Perhaps these are the words that come to mind when you consider what it takes for a woman to be influential. But I want you to think of someone you know who has really touched your life. What words would you use to describe her? I imagine you’d use words like caring, loving, genuine, patient, and reliable. You see if your picture of what it takes to be a difference-maker is sort of this larger-than-life, confident woman, but you don’t view yourself that way, then you might miss the potential God has given you.

In this mixed-up world, we live in, there are individuals all around you desperately in need of direction and godly influence. You can be caring, loving, genuine, and reliable. You have all kinds of opportunities to make a difference today, just the way you are. Isn’t that what it means to thrive in your godly role? It’s being ready and willing to allow God to use you the way He made you, to touch the lives of others on His behalf.

Martha was ready to be used but somehow she got off track (Luke 10:38-42). She was a good woman but she missed a golden opportunity. How can we keep that from happening in our own lives? How can we continue to thrive in our God-given roles? We must strive to see the big picture.

Martha “welcomed Jesus into her home.” The narrative would’ve been great if it had stopped right there. She started out strong, but what happened? Jesus used three words to describe what happened:

  • Distracted“to be pulled away”

-By what? “all her preparations” (diakania= service; ministry)

  • Worried“anxious; concerned about”

-About what? “so many things.”

  • Bothered“troubled; distracted.”

-About what? “so many things.”

As a result, Martha couldn’t see the big picture. She welcomed Jesus into her home but was then pulled away from Him. Jesus often addressed the crowds in His ministry, but here she had an opportunity to sit at His feet in a smaller setting. God in the flesh was in her home! Jesus was the very reason for her service. How welcome did He feel when she complained to Him and even accused Him of not caring? Can you imagine the regret she felt when He replied to her?

It is all too easy to start off strong but then lose sight of the big picture. Have you invited Jesus into your home but found yourself pulled away from Him? Are you too busy to find time to sit at His feet? Jesus said, “Only one thing is necessary.” What was that one thing? He wanted Martha to spend her time learning from Him. To slow down. To clear her mind of the “so many things” distracting her. To sit at His feet.

“Only one thing is necessary.” What would Jesus say to you? “You have chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from you.” Or, “You are worried and bothered about so many things”?

In his book, The Domino Effect, Tim Lewis wrote,

“Whoever you are right now is exactly who you have decided to be.”

Does your life reflect that you are daily striving to see the big picture?

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