Myron Bruce

Myron Bruce
Myron Bruce and his wife Vicki were married in 1989, and for 14 years, he served as a classroom teacher and administrator at both the elementary and secondary levels. In 2003, they moved their family from Greeley, Colorado, to Richardson, Texas, where Myron began serving in the ministry. After 20 years in the ministry, working in Texas and Oklahoma, Myron and Vicki have three grown children with their own families. They also have been blessed with three (soon to be four) grandchildren. Myron has been active in the Lord’s church from an early age. Blessed to work ‘in the vineyard of the Lord,’ perhaps the most gratifying area of service has been in song leading. Therefore, in 2011, his deepest aspiration reached a milestone as he began the development of the seminar, “Singing with the Spirit.” A seminar where churches are taught how better to understand the psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Myron’s objective in these sessions is to bring individual worshippers closer to the throne of God.